TST Group’s New Vietnam Factory Set to Commence Production in the Next Quarter

TST Group’s – KY (4439) to Commence New Vietnam Production Capacity in 1Q 2024, Anticipating Recovery of Key Customers and Operational Rebound. TST Group-KY announced that the new Vietnam facility is expected to undergo trial runs by the end of this year and officially commence production in the first quarter of next year. Initially, it will add 500,000 pounds of production capacity per month, with the monthly capacity expected to reach 1 million pounds by the end of the year. This will contribute to a 25% increase in overall in-house production capacity next year compared to this year, and the ratio of in-house to outsourced production capacity will also shift from 7:3 this year to 8:2 next year.

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TST Group-KY stated that industry visibility currently extends through the first half of next year, with customer demand maintaining a gradual recovery. In light of this, the new production capacity scheduled for next year will also be scaled up on a quarterly basis, with an estimated monthly capacity of 1 million pounds by year-end. The maximum monthly capacity of the first phase of the new facility can reach 3-3.5 million pounds, and plans for the commencement of the second phase will be based on market demand.

TST Group-KY’s fourth quarter typically experiences a seasonal downturn, and based on past experience, revenue is expected to decline by approximately 10% compared to the third quarter.”

Source:聯合新聞網 |Link

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