The province of Quang Nam observes and develops agricultural cooperation between Taiwan and Vietnam with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles

On October 17th, Mr. Phan Viet Tich, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Nam Province, along with Mr. Tran Bao Son, General Director of Truong Hai Agriculture, visited the Gia Nghia County Government (Taiwan) and explored the potential for agricultural development using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) at the R&D and Innovation AI UAV Center in Asia to understand the development capabilities in agriculture of UAV manufacturers. They also held discussions with enterprises related to agricultural production in ChiaYi County.

The Economic Development Department stated that these two cities have the potential for strong collaboration in promoting high-tech agriculture and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. Today, the Chiayi County Mayor, Mr.Weng Zhangliang, attended to welcome the foreign guests and exchanged gifts.

Quang Nam Province in Vietnam and ChiaYiCounty both possess abundant agricultural resources. In recent years, ChiaYi County has actively developed industrial zones and promoted the local agricultural brand ‘CHIAYUM’. They aim to connect various resources to expand international marketing and stimulate the growth of smart agriculture. The development of unmanned aerial vehicle applications in agriculture is also thriving.

On the Vietnamese side, they were introduced to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in agriculture by two companies, A3FUN II and Kunwei. Mr. Pham Viet Tich mentioned that he was very impressed with ChiaYi County, a large county that combines technology and agriculture. Mr. Tran Bao Son also noted that in the future, it may be possible to establish a supply chain between the two cities based on agriculture to promote further trade cooperation and market development.

Giang Chan Vi, the Director of the Economic Development Department, stated that UAVs are widely used and can perform various tasks such as fertilizing, irrigation, and monitoring plant diseases in agricultural fields. ChiaYi’s agriculture is integrating UAV technology to address the labor shortage caused by an aging population, supplement labor needs, and meet the requirements of various sectors. This will stimulate the development of various digital innovation applications.

ChiaYi County Mayor Mr. Weng Zhangliang stated that the R&D and Innovation AI UAV Center in Asia has attracted visitors from all around the world to come and disrupt the global supply chain to establish Taiwan’s presence in this field and have a larger share in the international market. Agricultural applications are becoming increasingly popular, and ChiaYi County aims to become a major industrial and agricultural district, with the promise of combining unmanned aerial vehicles with smart agriculture. Previously, this sector was relatively isolated and had limited international exposure, but with the establishment of the Science Park and the R&D and Innovation AI UAV Center in Asia, I believe that international connections will strengthen, creating more job opportunities and expanding our global influence.

According to the Economic Development Department, the R&D and Innovation AI UAV Center in Asia integrates agriculture, government, education, and research. The center has successfully established a test and research area for unmanned aerial vehicles, with more than 40 units setting up their base here in over a year, making it the most comprehensive UAV research center in Taiwan. The county government will promote the simultaneous development of both the agricultural and unmanned aerial vehicle industries.

Source: Yahoo 新聞 |Link

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