How much money have the Asian “tigers” invested in Vietnam so far?

When talking about the Asian “tigers,” it usually refers to the four high-growth economies in Asia, including Hong Kong (China), Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. Driven by rapid export and industrialization, these economies have consistently maintained high economic growth since the 1960s and have collectively joined the ranks of the world’s wealthiest nations.

Hong Kong (China) and Singapore are among the most renowned financial centers in the world, while South Korea and Taiwan are crucial hubs for global automobile manufacturing, electronic components, and information technology.

Những 'con hổ' châu Á đã đầu tư bao nhiêu tiền vào Việt Nam trong hai

As of now, how much have the four Asian “tigers” invested in Vietnam?


With a total registered capital including newly registered capital, capital adjustment, and capital contribution to purchase shares amounting to 1.5 billion USD in the first nine months of the year, Taiwan is the 6th largest economy investing in Vietnam in the first nine months of 2023, following Singapore. This includes 148 newly licensed projects with a newly registered capital of 1 billion USD, 82 projects with registered capital adjustment totaling 263 million USD, and 173 projects with capital contributions to purchase shares, with a total value of 258 million USD.

As of September 20, 2023, considering active projects, Taiwan is the 4th largest investing partner out of a total of 144 foreign investing partners in Vietnam. It has 3,052 active projects, equivalent to a total registered capital investment of 37.9 billion USD.


According to the report on foreign direct investment (FDI) by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Singapore is the largest investing country in Vietnam in the first 9 months of 2023. Specifically, from the beginning of the year until September 20, 2023, the total registered capital, including newly registered capital, capital adjustments, and capital contributions to purchase shares, reached 3.9 billion USD. This includes 283 newly licensed projects with newly registered capital of 2.6 billion USD, 101 projects with registered capital adjustments totaling 358.7 million USD, and 235 projects with capital contributions to purchase shares, with a total value of 1 billion USD.

As of September 20, 2023, considering active projects, Singapore is the second-largest investing partner out of a total of 142 foreign investing partners in Vietnam. It has 3,384 active projects with a total registered capital investment of nearly 73 billion USD.


In the first 9 months of 2023, the total registered capital, including newly registered capital, capital adjustments, and capital contributions to purchase shares, by South Korean investors reached 2.6 billion USD, ranking 4th among a total of 102 foreign investors who have invested in Vietnam.

This includes 353 newly licensed projects with newly registered capital of 511 million USD, 249 projects with registered capital adjustments totaling 1.86 billion USD, and 724 projects with capital contributions to purchase shares, with a total value of 2.6 billion USD.

Although South Korea’s investment capital into Vietnam ranks 4th in the first 9 months of 2023, when considering the accumulated active projects until September 20, 2023, South Korea is the largest investing partner in Vietnam out of a total of 144 foreign investing partners. Specifically, there are 9,786 active projects with a total registered capital of 82.9 billion USD.

Hong Kong (China)

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the total registered capital, including newly registered capital, capital adjustments, and capital contributions to purchase shares, by Hong Kong (China) investors in Vietnam reached approximately 1.9 billion USD in the first 9 months of 2023. This includes 212 newly licensed projects with newly registered capital of 1.4 billion USD, 71 projects with registered capital adjustments totaling 296 million USD, and 61 projects with capital contributions to purchase shares, with a total value of 119 million USD.

When considering the accumulated active projects until September 20, 2023, Hong Kong ranks as the 5th largest investing partner out of a total of 144 foreign investing partners in Vietnam. There are 2,368 active projects with a total registered capital of 31.3 billion USD.

Source: CafeF | Link

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