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News about Vietnam’s economy, trade, investment, culture, education

Market News

News about politics, economy, trade, investment, culture, education, etc. between Vietnam and Taiwan, help you gain an in-depth understanding of the relationships and cooperation between Taiwan and Vietnam in various fields and grasp the potential of the future development of the Vietnamese market.

Vietnam’s booming demand for health and beauty services foretells promising business opportunities

Vietnam, with a population exceeding 97 million, is one of the rapidly emerging economies in the ASEAN region. In recent years, driven by robust economic growth and the innate

Việt Nam bước gần hơn đến mục tiêu Net Zero năm 2050

Việt Nam sẽ không xây dựng các nhà máy nhiệt điện than mới sau năm 2030 để đảm bảo giảm phát thải carbon và mục tiêu cam kết tại COP 26 về trung hòa carbon.



Yong Feng Yu invests 1 billion to expand its paper factory in Vietnam

In light of the medium to long-term changes in the international economic and trade situation, Yong Feng Yu (YFY) has decided to increase its investment by nearly 1 billion to participate

National Taiwan University proposes semiconductor program, welcomes collaboration with Vietnam

National Taiwan University (NTU) has announced plans for its centennial celebration, revealing a series of initiatives. Particularly noteworthy is the proposal to establish an international

Vietnamese Semiconductor Industry’s ‘Friendshore Outsourcing’ Development

Vietnam has become a new manufacturing location for the United States in the semiconductor industry due to factors such as proximity to China. Analysts from the
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