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News about Vietnam’s economy, trade, investment, culture, education

Market News

News about politics, economy, trade, investment, culture, education, etc. between Vietnam and Taiwan, help you gain an in-depth understanding of the relationships and cooperation between Taiwan and Vietnam in various fields and grasp the potential of the future development of the Vietnamese market.

Morris Chang, first ‘K.T.Li Award’ Recipient, contributions to Taiwan’s Tech and Economic Development

To promote the spirit of former Presidential Advisor Kwoh-Ting Li, the Kwoh-Ting Li Technology Development Foundation has

Why haven’t major electric car players entered the Vietnamese market?

According to statistics from the Ministry of Transport, as of July 2023, the Vietnamese market has only seen around 12,600 electric cars. This number is mainly contributed by the

5 leading spearheads in the digital transformation of the healthcare industry

According to the Ministry of Health, digital transformation in healthcare has seen developments with remote medical examination models and the application of artificial

Vietnam has the potential to become the next Asian tiger

Vietnam is considered to have the full potential to become the next Asian tiger. With its independent and non-threatening foreign policy approach to Western economies, Vietnam's

Vietnam has the fastest digital economic growth rate in the Southeast Asia region

In 2023, Vietnam has the fastest digital economic growth rate in the Southeast Asia region, achieving a 19% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for the period 2022 -

Intel postpones its expansion investment plan in Vietnam

(Reuters Hanoi, 7th) Reuters cited informed sources in a report, stating that Intel, the leading American chip industry player, had a previously planned investment in Vietnam that
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