|Vietnamese workforce|
Vietnam has an abundant labor force, primarily consisting of young and cost-effective workers. In recent years, with the increase in foreign investments in Vietnam, the demand for high-quality labor has also risen. In 2022, Vietnam’s labor force over 15 years old will reach 52 million people, with 11.39 million individuals possessing technical expertise (87%), and 11.39 million individuals having tertiary education, accounting for 20.92% of the total labor force, and this number is steadily increasing. In general, Vietnamese employees have a positive impression of Taiwanese companies, believing that these companies offer a friendly atmosphere, close relationships, and good benefits.
Additionally, as of the end of 2022, the total number of Vietnamese students in Taiwan has exceeded 20,000. For Taiwanese businesses looking to penetrate the Vietnamese market, this represents an important source for training future managerial personnel in Vietnam.
The Southeast-Asia Impact Alliance has a close relationship with Vietnamese students and the talent network in Vietnam and can assist businesses in finding the most capable Vietnamese talents.